
  • 我想住在校园里,我该怎么办?

    要开始办理手续,您需要填写 在线申请. 如果您有其他问题,请拨打517.990.1337.

  • 住在Campus View要花多少钱?

    有关校园住宿费,请浏览 探索住房 页面.

  • 我需要购买膳食计划吗? 如果是这样,我的选择是什么?

    Yes, all residents of campus view student housing are required to purchase a meal plan. 查看全球网络赌博平台 餐厅 & 膳食计划选择.

  • 你们还有空房吗?

    可用性在很大程度上取决于一年中的时间. 请拨打517与住房办公室联系以获取更多信息.990.1337. 如果目前没有空位,你可能会被放在等待名单上.

  • 什么是等候名单?

    In respect to campus housing, a wait list is created when demand exceeds bed space availability. 一个男性和女性的等待名单被创建, and as space by gender becomes available individuals from the wait list are contacted and offered a bed space. Individuals on the wait list are ordered by time, date and application/security deposit received.

  • 什么时候付款,我应该在哪里付款?

    每学期的学费都要在你搬进来之前交. 请查看您的合同或致电校园视图办公室了解具体日期.

    Students can make payments directly to the Cashier located in Bert Walker Hall or by calling 517.796.8420.

    When sending checks or money orders please make checks payable to 杰克逊的大学 and in the memo line write: Student ID number, 学生的名字和“住房”这个词.”

  • 我如何支付住房费用?

    学生必须全额支付住房余额 之前 他们搬进来了. Financial aid may be used but tuition must come out first and the remaining financial aid may be used towards the housing balance. Whatever costs remain the student is responsible for covering with private loans, 奖助金, 或者其他方式. 学生在办理住宿登记时必须携带付款证明.

    不能 使用经济援助支付300美元的住房保证金.

    申请人须缴交房屋申请费及保证金 完整的 在搬进去之前.

  • 关于Campus View Housing的安置,如何与我联系?

    All official communications will be sent to your 杰克逊的大学 e-mail address.

  • 保证金是做什么用的?

    对于履行合同条款的学生, 它将在房间损坏的情况下使用. Please review the terms and conditions included in the contract for details about forfeiture.

  • 我什么时候才能知道我的室友是谁?

    Assignments will be made by mid-July if the student completes their application by the end of June.

  • 如果我需要离开或破坏我的住房合同怎么办?

    房屋合同是具有法律约束力的文件. 如果你决定毁约, 你仍然要对房屋合同中列出的费用负责. 您还将被收取不可上诉的300美元取消费.

  • 我搬出去以后,什么时候能拿回我的定金?

    If you are not returning to housing we can refund the balance of your deposit (minus any charges for damages or key replacement charges). This process does take time and may take up to 30 days after you complete a housing exit form and required check-out process. 我们将把退款寄到学院存档的地址.

  • 我可以让客人和我一起住吗?

    我们所有关于宿舍的政策都列在 住院医师手册.

  • 搬到学校时我应该带些什么?
  • 有什么样的数字和技术相关的设施可用?

    手机服务: 有AT计划的居民&T or Verizon report that they have the fewest occurrences of a weak signal throughout the Campus View facilities. All other carriers exhibit more problems with call and data connectivity within their respective cellular networks.

    设备类型: The wireless network in each of the three Campus View facilities will be upgraded by August 2015. 较新的无线网络系统在5Ghz频率上运行. This new technology offers faster downloads and is less congested than the older 2.4Ghz技术,会受到微波炉的影响. 如果你打算带设备(笔记本电脑、电视、平板电脑、游戏机等).) to use throughout a Campus View facility, you are encouraged to use a 5Ghz compatible unit.

    网络访问: 只有无线服务可用. 在任何套房中都没有有线网络插孔. If you have a desktop computer and wish to use the network you will need to have the hardware necessary to connect it to a wireless network. Current residents will be given a unique pre-shared-key (PSK) that can be used to connect up to four personal devices simultaneously to the internet.

    手机: 套房里没有电话.

    计算机实验室: 校园景观1和2有一个小型计算机实验室位于三楼.

    印刷: 所有全球网络赌博平台的学生都可以打印. 威廉·阿特金森大厅提供有限的黑白印刷. Color printing is available to students actively enrolled in courses requiring it as determined by the Deans.

    电视频道(数码): 校园景观1, 2, and 3 residents have the ability to stream nearly 60 channels to their devices (media players, 智能电视, 平板电脑, 电脑, 等.)到斐洛. This service contains both standard definition and high definition channels and includes DVR functionality. 此外,居民还可以使用HBO Go和Max Go.

    电视: Several large flat screen televisions are located in public areas of each facility.

    流媒体: Bandwidth has been increased and there are plans for incremental increases if the demand arises. There is a limit to the amount of bandwidth that can be made available while keeping housing costs affordable. Our upload speeds are just as fast as download speeds which is far superior to a conventional home network. 上传性能是有帮助的,如果你想流式传输你的游戏体验. Given the nature of our academic environment the bandwidth for academic operations receives the highest priority.

    媒体播放器: While 杰克逊的大学 不能 provide or support media streaming appliances due to the terms of their contracts (e.g. Roku, 苹果电视, 亚马逊火, Google Chromecast) our wireless network is currently compatible with many of them. We 不能 guarantee future compatibility as new products are brought to market and upgrades are written/downloaded directly to your devices. 订阅Hulu Plus, Netflix等. 每个住院医师都有责任吗.

    数字标牌: Modern electronic signage systems are present in each Campus View facility and provide insight to upcoming campus events and important information.