
全球网络赌博平台,家长和家庭是我们学生成功的伙伴. 在你的帮助下, 我们可以帮助您的学生实现他们的目标, 发展他们的个性,为生活中的挑战做好准备.

的 following requirements have been put into place in regards to guests within Student Housing. Student Housing also reserves the right to modify any residents’ guest privileges based on violation of guest policy or the concern and safety and/or well-being of the community.

客人必须在前台签到和离开,并留下带照片的身份证件, 国家颁发的身份证, 驾照, 或军人身份证件. 非居民客人将被要求填写一份背景信息表. 信息必须以清晰的格式打印. 不遵守规定将被拒绝入境.

客人必须始终由主人陪同. 客人被要求遵守与每位住户相同的标准, and the person hosting the guest is responsible for ensuring they do not violate policies or disrupt the community. 如果违反政策,客人的主人也将被追究责任.

的 resident host is responsible for all the actions of their guest while they are present in the residence halls. 的 host may be subject to disciplinary action when guests (while present in the residence halls) violate housing policies, 全球网络赌博平台政策, 或者当地法律.


Residents are permitted to have guests under the age of 18 only during the hours of 8 a.m. 到8点.m. with the written approval from a Housing professional staff member, 48 hours prior to the visit. All guests under the age of 18 must have completed the Permission Form for Minors in Housing including written permission from a parent or legal guardian. 住家主人必须时刻监督所有18岁以下的客人. 的 Permission Form for Minors in Housing can be retrieved from the front desk of any Student Housing unit.



Student Housing only allows for four guests per suite for each of the buildings with a maximum of two guests per person in the suite. 的 two-person restriction does not apply to parents or legal guardians who would like to bring in their children with them. 例如, a parent with two children would be able to visit their resident living on campus without the two-person restriction applying to them.

的 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that provides students with the right to review their education records, 要求修改其记录, 同意披露个人身份信息, 并向美国政府提出申诉.S. 教育部. 关于全球网络赌博平台学生权利的信息 FERPA (pdf) 可在赛马会政策网站查阅. This information includes 杰克逊的大学 procedures for reviewing and requesting amendment of education records, notice of the types of information the College has designated as directory information, 学生有权拒绝公布他们的目录信息. 的 FERPA授权表格(pdf) 是在全球网络赌博平台网站上还是在学生服务部找到的.


学生成功中心(CSS), we are committed to providing all students the opportunity to achieve academic success by providing a variety of support services free of charge to 杰克逊的大学 students. 这包括, 但不限于, 同侪和教员辅导, 心理健康转介, 临时运输协助, 各种讲习班和研讨会, 以及TRIO全球网络赌博平台.

除了, the CSS staff is committed to adapting the College’s general services to meet the individual needs of otherwise qualified students with disabilities, 为了提供平等的机会使用所有的全球网络赌博平台和设施.


杰克逊的大学 is deeply committed to serving the diverse citizens of the greater Jackson, 希尔斯代尔和莱纳威县. 我们最大的愿望是继续提供一个温暖的氛围, 文化多样性丰富,引人入胜. 杰克逊的大学 has a long standing tradition of providing the greater Jackson community with culturally rich, 教育和娱乐节目. 我们也为学生提供各种各样的参与机会. 的se organizations provide our students with the opportunity to take a leading role in campus and community leadership.


杰克逊的大学 has partnered with Allegiance Health to offer JC students and employees medical care evaluation and treatment from the clinic’s caring staff. A licensed nurse practitioner and technical staff will be in the office to see patients, 进行诊断和评估, 开药或转诊. JC护理和相关健康专业的学生也将作为他们教育的一部分提供帮助. 所有在职员工和学生都可以以最低的费用使用该诊所. 实验室工作的费用可能由保险公司支付. 的 clinic can provide receipts that patients may submit to the insurance companies for reimbursement.


的 国际学生协会 provide complete support for international students from recruitment through graduation as well as providing study abroad opportunities, 并帮助提升学院的全球视野.


杰克逊的大学 partners with Family Service and Children’s 援助 (FSCA) to offer 杰克逊的大学 students and employees a wide range of behavioral health services. 有执照的心理健康和药物滥用临床医生, 还有绿洲航海家号, will be available to provide individualized support at the 绿洲中心 or assist the individual in obtaining services at FSCA main office located in downtown Jackson. 的 Oasis Navigator will connect students and employees with the appropriate community support to meet the individual’s needs. 导航员还将为个人提供宣传.




This website is a resource for the student to use to know the academic and student conduct policies, as well as the resources available on campus to help a student to be as successful as possible.


全球网络赌博平台努力成为世界一流的机构. 没有学生们的支持,我们不可能做到这一点. 我们希望你成功, 我们将努力通过提供各种服务来促进您的成就, 参与社区活动的机会和最适合你的地点. 当你在这里的时候,充分利用给你的机会. 认识其他学生. 积极参与全球网络赌博平台. 拜访教师,寻求他们的建议. 最重要的是,在课堂内外都有所作为. 学生服务 is the one-stop-shop for advising, financial aid, registration and admissions.